know about something

know about something
знать о чем-л.

Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "know about something" в других словарях:

  • know from something — in. to know about something. (See also not know from nothing.) □ Do you know from timers, I mean how timers work? □ I don’t know from babies! Don’t ask me about feeding them! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • not want to know (about something) — not want to ˈknow (about sth) idiom (informal) to take no interest in sth because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble • I ve tried to ask her advice, but she doesn t want to know (= about my problems). • ‘How much was it?’ ‘ …   Useful english dictionary

  • know of something — know of (someone/something) to have information about someone or something. Do you know of a way to remove this stain? We ve never met, but I certainly know of him. Usage notes: also used in the spoken phrase not that I know of I do not know: “Is …   New idioms dictionary

  • know beans about something — (not) know beans about (something) American & Australian, informal to know nothing about something. I don t know beans about computers I ve never even used one …   New idioms dictionary

  • know the first thing about something — (not) know the first thing about (something) to not know anything about a particular subject. I don t know why you re asking Rob, he doesn t know the first thing about classical music …   New idioms dictionary

  • know somebody a thing or two (about something) — know/tell sb a ˈthing or two (about sb/sth) idiom (informal) to know/tell sb some useful, interesting or surprising information about sb/sth • She s been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men! Main entry: ↑thingidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • not know the first thing about something — not know the first thing/not have the first idea/about something phrase to not know anything about a subject or not have the skills to do something He doesn’t know the first thing about literature. Thesaurus: to not know something or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • not have the first idea about something — not know the first thing/not have the first idea/about something phrase to not know anything about a subject or not have the skills to do something He doesn’t know the first thing about literature. Thesaurus: to not know something or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • not know the first thing about something — not know the first thing about (something) to know nothing about something. I don t know why you re asking Alice, she doesn t know the first thing about sports …   New idioms dictionary

  • not know beans about something — (not) know beans about (something) American & Australian, informal to know nothing about something. I don t know beans about computers I ve never even used one …   New idioms dictionary

  • not know beans about something — not know beans about (something) to know nothing about something. I don t know beans about computers I ve never even used one …   New idioms dictionary

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